Welcome to Be The Hero Studios March 6, 2025

How to Start a YouTube Channel Without Showing Your Face

You’ve got a dream. You want to create amazing content, videos that people love, and get millions of views. You want to start a YouTube channel without showing your face. But here’s the thing: it defeats the purpose, and let me explain why.

I know you have this dream of not showing your face, but the power of YouTube is in building a relationship. If you want people to follow you, if you want to generate leads for your business, you have to show your face. While it’s not impossible to create a successful channel without showing your face, the goal and outcome are different. The focus will be solely on ad revenue, and you’ll need millions of views to make it worthwhile. However, by showing your face and building a relationship, you can generate significant income with far fewer views.

For example, you can generate $10,000 with just 100 views. I’ve got an episode titled “How to Generate $10,000 With Only 100 Views,” which I’ll link here if you want to watch that video.

Creating a Channel Without Showing Your Face

Many people search for ways to create a YouTube channel without showing their face. There are alternatives, such as podcasts or Instagram posts where you don’t have to show your face. But if your goal is to build a relationship, making eye contact through the camera is crucial. Your audience needs to see your face and recognize you.

Naming Your YouTube Channel

When naming your channel, I recommend using your name. People want to get to know you. On one end of the spectrum, you have your name, and on the other, you have a corporate-sounding business name, which you should avoid. Instead, opt for something that sounds like a cause, a movement, or a purpose. For instance, I have a channel called DIY Experiment, which is far from a corporate-sounding name like “Woodbury and Young and Associates LLC.”

What Are You Afraid Of?

I have a question for you: What are you afraid of? Not wanting to show your face is like wanting to be an entrepreneur but not wanting anything to do with sales. It’s just not possible. If you want to build a successful YouTube channel that grows your business and develops leads, you have to show your face. If you’re willing to take that step, I have a gift for you.

Free Book

If you’re ready to show your face and build a relationship with your audience, I want to give you my book, A Hero’s Guide to Influence on YouTube. In it, I’ve packed everything I’ve learned over the last decade of producing over 50 successful YouTube channels, many of which generate 7 and 8 figures per year. My whole strategy is in this book, and it works every time. Each episode you film will have a built-in audience of people who love you, and you can generate revenue with low numbers of views.

This is my gift to you. Just pay the shipping cost. Visit natesyoutubebook.com to get your copy.

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